You just started creating? Or maybe art has been your life for years already?
No matter where you fall on this scale - the moment you start listening to what most well known artist, creative coaches and mentors are saying - you’ll recognize there are two main thought ‘camps’
One being:
You just need to let it FLOW! When it comes it comes
You need to create every day! Don’t feel like it - even better - that’s how true artists emerge!
Idk about you, but in the moments of doubt this lead me to more confusion than reassurance of what to do.
So how do we make sense of all of it?
Do we push through it? Or do we let it be?
The secret is: W E D O B O T H
The seeming contradiction is only found when you assume the ideas are mutually exclusive.That its either one, or the other. That there is nothing in between.
But they are not fighting against each other - they are cooperating! They are not polarities - they are halves of the same process. Like the light and the shadow - one can’t exist without the other.
But what does it ACTUALLY mean? What’s the action step to take in your daily life?
Inspiration, muse, the divine - it’s like your shy friend. She likes hanging out, but she won’t come to your house unannounced (rude, duh.!)
So the first step is on you - first invite them. And be at home to hear if someone is at the door. You can’t blame for someone not visiting, if your never there to open the doors.
That means:
FIRST you show up THEN the inspiration comes
Sit your ass down
Hide distraction
Open blank page in front of you
She’s coming bb!
That’s why it’s essential to show up!
And this is the part where you need the structure and little bit of pushing. Breaking through the invisible field of resistance - to sit down.
By the time you realized your already flowing in the stream of infinite inspiration. Her visit is so inevitable - and that’s where you surrender to her, you let it be.
You’ve got this bb! <3
PS. I’m creating my online course ⊙ Alchemy of Creation ⊙
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